Garden Center: Produce
As the local food movement grows, you cannot get food any closer to home than your own backyard.
We take our food very seriously at Waldoch Farm. As a family of avid canners, we know what it takes to grow and preserve your own food.
Get your veggies out of the ground and onto your deck or patio. People with limited space are turning to containers to grow their own food. We have pepper and tomato varieties specific to container gardening, lettuce bowls, and fresh herb gardens ready for harvesting within reach on the picnic table.
We grow a wide variety of vegetable starts to make us your essential stop when deciding what to plant into your vegetable garden.
Produce grown in Lino Lakes
We grow 35 acres of fresh produce right here in Lino Lakes! At Waldoch Farm, we are able to use our experience to help select the right varieties of vegetables for your garden. We trial grow our Peppers, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Melons, Winter Squash, Cabbage, Kales, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower, and more right here on the farm. Our vegetable starts are grown for you in the same conditions used for our transplants that get planted directly into our fields.

We have the right tomato for you! There are tomatoes of all types, including: Canners, Romas, Slicers, Cherry, Grape. Available in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and colors. With over 70 varieties, from heirlooms to hybrids, there will be one to match your taste.

We grow 20+ different varieties of sweet peppers and 20+ hot pepper varieties. Stop by in the spring and early summer to see our selection. Most of these varieties are also grown in our produce fields. In season, you can come try them out from our fields before you plant them in your personal garden.

And more!
The list we grow for you continues...
At Waldoch Farm Garden Center we have a wide variety of seeds, onion sets, seed potatoes and vegetable plants. Some of the started plants are: Summer Squash, Cucumbers, Kohlrabi, Cabbage, Broccoli, Eggplant, Peas-in-a-Pot, Beans, Melons, Winter Squash, and Pumpkins.

Herb Gardens
The difference fresh herbs can make is undeniable. At Waldoch Farm, you are able take your herb choices seriously with over 40 varieties. Choose from the classics, or a few unique varieties you didn't know you wanted. Spice up dinner with something fresh! With our large selection of herbs ranging from Flat Leaf and Curled Parsley, to five different varieties of Basil, there is a fresh herb plant for every themed dinner night. What is pesto without basil leaves freshly plucked from your own plants? Or cucumber salad without dill leaves diced on top? Or bread without a bit of rosemary baked into the crust?
Your herbal exploration will grow alongside the plants in your herb garden.
Greek Oregano

Fruiting Plants
Edible landscapes are a great way to add functionality into the beauty of your yard. Incorporate fruiting trees and shrubs to add a bit of flavor to the yard work. Trellis some grapes for shade and juice. Add raspberries to the sunny spot in your back yard and enjoy the fruits of your labor, literally.
Fruiting Trees: Apples, Plums and Cherries
Fruiting Shrubs: Blueberries, Currants, Gooseberries, and Honeyberry
Fruiting Plants: Raspberries, Strawberries, Rhubarb, Asparagus and Grapes