Garden Center: Annuals
We are proud to be a Grower and Retailer! This means most of our plant material is grown on site in Lino Lakes.
There is a vast amount of seasonal color available at Waldoch Farm.
Mary and Kathy consistently seek out new varieties of plants; they plant them in their own gardens to determine which plants will grow best for you each year. Come check out their own gardens each year at our Garden Tour in August. We have over 350 "Mary's Choice" selections growing in individual pots; Plus approximately 150 varieties growing in paks.
Annuals allow you to recreate each spring with new combinations. Utilize the vibrant bloom of annuals to create show stopping color displays not only for your gardens but your deck and patio as well. Intersperse annual flowers amongst your perennial planting for more constant color. Find varieties of plants here that you may not find anywhere else
Annuals grown in Lino Lakes
For the Sunny Spot: Sun Annual Flowers
Options abound for sunny spots in your garden. Many great plant choices thrive with six hours or more of direct sunlight. We grow classic sun choices like Geranium, Marigold, Petunia, and all kinds of new and unique releases from the plant breeders at Proven Winners. We grow more than 60 unique varieties of Solar Coleus to bring more color and texture than you could possibly imagine.
Solar Coleus

For the Shady Spot: Shade Annual Flowers
The shady spots in the garden may seem a little dark, but we have the color to brighten them up with a wide selection of begonia varieties: Wax, Hiemalis, Tuberous, Dragon & Angel Wing. We have over 20 colors of New Guinea Impatiens that thrive in the shade, or part shade conditions, and can bring fresh color into Hosta gardens. There are tropical plants which work well in the shade or with indirect light, and can work nicely as an indoor plant display. Many of our shade loving plants find their way into our patio ready container creations.
Both Mary and Kathy have a lot of shade in their own gardens which increases their desire for the best options available for shade. Their passion for gardening helps fuel the selection of the best annuals for you at Waldoch Farm. We have many wonderful accents, such as Diamond Frost Euphorbia, Moneywort, Torenias and many more. Our Shade selections will surprise you. It is not just Impatiens anymore.
New Guinea Impatiens
Hiemalis Begonia
Seasonal Annuals

Spring Season
They are great for adding early color to your home. These cold tolerant plants are not bothered by the frosty mornings in spring and have been known to take a hard freeze and keep bringing us the color in the spring when we need it the most.
There are many unique Pansy Patio containers and baskets to choose from during the weeks of early spring.

Spring and Fall Season
Kale can be planted early spring and again late summer to have some off season structure. Kale provides additional seasonal interest and even a tasty treat.

Fall Season
Fall Decoration Mums
Mums can breathe life back into tired containers or holes in the garden.
In Minnesota, we can enjoy a much longer growing season with the incorporation of Mums, herbs, grasses and flowering kale. They are very low maintenance with much reward.