Field Trips
Bring your student groups to enjoy adventures on the farm.
Most field trips have these two parts:
- Barnyard tour with a chance to feed the animals
- Free play within our acres of fun
Field trips can include a Wagon ride. Depending on the season of Joyer Adventure Farm the Wagon ride can look different.
Field trips are available during the weekdays summer and fall of Joyer Adventure Farm.
Book a Field Trip Today!
Field Trips: Seasonal Wagon Rides
Depending on the season of Joyer Adventure Farm the Wagon ride can look different.
Early Summer
Wagon ride around the Farm to see the vegetable and fruit production fields.
Late Summer
Wagon ride to the Sunflowers for a walk through the blooming flowers
Wagon ride to the Pumpkin Field and picking a pumpkin to bring home
Length of Activities
Barnyard Tour - about 20 minutes
Wagon Ride - about 40 minutes
Acres of Fun/Free play - about 20 to 50 minutes
Corn Maze (fall only) - 20 to 60 minutes
Field Trips: Packages
Field trips are available during the weekdays of Joyer Adventure Farm.
All Season Includes:
- Free play in acres of fun
- Barnyard Tour
- Wagon Ride
$8.50 per guest
10 guest minimum
10 guest minimum
Weekday with Corn Maze
*FALL ONLY* Includes:
- Free play in acres of fun
- Barnyard Tour
- Wagon Ride
- Corn Maze
$12.50 per guest
10 guest minimum
10 guest minimum
MEA Thruday & Friday Includes:
- Free play in acres of fun
- Corn Maze
- No Private Wagon Ride
- No pumpkin included
$12.50 per guest
10 guest minimum
10 guest minimum

Paying Participants: Teachers, Chaperones and all kids except infants need to be paid for.
Lunch: If you are planning on brining a lunch to the Farm, please let us know so we can have a space reserved for you to eat. Also, remember to add lunch time into the time needed at the Farm.
Payment: The preferred payment is on day of field trip. If you need a P.O. receipt let us know the amount of participants, and we will email you an invoice.
Late Gourps: We sometimes have multiple groups scheduled, arriving late may lead to an inability to do a wagon ride or have a barnyard tour.